Are you lulled to sleep by the symphony of a snoring Boxer? Are you mystified by the comfort of their intricate sleeping positions? Does the sight of a happy nub and butt wiggle chase away all of your stress? Are you impressed by long drool trails with leaves and bits of dirt stuck to them? Do the antics of Boxer clowns brighten your day with laughter? Does the warmth of a Boxer pressed up against you give you feelings of comfort? Does your heart overflow with love when you look into the eyes of a Boxer? If you said YES to any of these things, please consider fostering!! We are looking for Boxer lovers who can commit to giving a rescued Boxer a safe place to live until they find their forever home. All medical needs are covered by Louisiana Boxer Rescue at our approved vet.
The biggest thing I hear people say is “I can’t foster because I’ll get attached.” Getting attached is not a bad thing! There are some that are very hard to let go of, but when they meet the family they were born to be with it is like magic! And sometimes, that magic is with their foster family, win-win! If you are interested, please fill out an application here! Please, only apply if you are serious about fostering and can be 100% committed to the care of your foster.